Woman celebrating recruitment AI guarantee

Experience the power of RAI -Your first 3 months are on us!

Sign up now for free, or unlock full access for just £25/month

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Save Time & Cut Costs

RAI: Recruitment AI that anyone can use

  • Enhanced data privacy through AI's ability to anonymise candidate information, ensuring compliance and security.

  • Continuous innovation with features informed by user feedback, ensuring the product evolves to meet needs.

  • A user-friendly recruitment AI tool that empowers both novice and expert users to make data-driven hiring decisions.

  • Fast access with no technical implementation, enabling quick adoption across teams.

  • Intuitive interface promises a quick learning curve, delivering immediate return on investment for users.

  • Flexible commitment allows you to opt out at any time, offering budget-friendly options.

Recruitment AI Pricing

Jennifer - HR Manager, Planixs

“RedNevada's RAI is the best AI recruiting software I've found. It not only saves significant time on manual hiring processes, but also allows me to concentrate on other HR projects and contribute to the business's overall strategy.”