Recruitment Agencies & Consultants

AI Recruitment Software for Agencies

RAI is the best recruitment software for agencies that want to save time on resourcing and deliver exceptional candidates, quickly.

“RAI’s precise AI-driven recommendations substantially improved candidate-client matches, leading to a 25% increase in placement rates”

BrightBox Group AI Recruitment Software for Agencies Quote
AI-Powered Recruitment for Agencies

RAI: For individuals & teams

Enhance recruiting efficiency and decision-making

RAI is the AI-driven solution that optimises your client delivery, ensures top-quality placements, and saves both time and money.

Unlike traditional methods that are laborious and time-consuming, RAI provides a scalable, in-house platform designed to meet the unique challenges and financial considerations of fast-paced recruitment agencies.

Recruiting Efficiency

Common agency recruiting challenges that RAI can help you overcome


Consultants may lack the expertise for effective interviewing and candidate evaluation
RAI provides tailored skill-based and soft skill questions for every role for in-depth candidate assessments.


Recruitment consultants face limited time for sourcing and client management
RAI automates job descriptions and screening, freeing time for client and candidate interaction.


The necessity to place candidates in a variety of roles, both technical and non-technical
RAI’s screening process evaluates candidates across multiple skill sets, ensuring well-rounded teams.


Placement mistakes can severely impact client relationships and agency reputation
RAI offers tailored questions for roles, aiding consultants in comprehensive candidate assessments.


Agencies face budget limits and can't afford manual inefficiencies
RAI negates the need for time-consuming manual tasks, serving as an affordable, in-house, AI-powered recruitment solution.


Fast-paced agencies need to make quick yet effective placements.
RAI accelerates the recruitment process without compromising on quality, enabling agencies to meet client demands efficiently.

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