Measuring Recruitment Key Performance Indicators

A comprehensive checklist and assessment guide for recruitment agencies and in-house talent acquisition teams that want to measure recruitment metrics. This can help you identify areas where AI technology could enhance your processes, efficiency gains that could be made and drive any strategic ideation.

What’s included in this guide:

1. Recruitment Process Analysis

2. AI Potential Assessment

3. Implementation and Training Planning

4. Legal and Compliance Considerations

AI measuring recruitment key performance indicators

1. Pre-Recruitment Analysis

  • Job Advertising Time: Measure how long it takes to advertise a job to the market.

  • Current Process Mapping: Document each step in the current recruitment process.

  • Time & Cost Tracking: Measure the time and cost involved in each stage.

  • Initial Candidate Sourcing Efficiency: Evaluate the effectiveness of sourcing channels.

2. Candidate Screening and Assessment

  • CV Screening Time: Track the time taken to screen each resume.

  • CV Delivery Time to Stakeholders: Measure the time taken to deliver CVs to decision-makers.

  • Quality of Shortlisted Candidates: Evaluate the relevance and quality of candidates reaching the interview stage. What are your CV sent to interview ratios? Can you break this down into role types?

  • Assessment Methods: Review the effectiveness of current candidate assessment methods. Map out the questions you ask. Understand how these change for different personas and roles.

3. Interview Process

  • Interview Scheduling Efficiency: Assess the time taken to schedule and conduct interviews.

  • Candidate Experience: Collect feedback from candidates about their interview experience. If unable to collect feedback then measure your drop-off rate from 1st conversation to final interview.

  • Drop-outs: Figure out how many interview no-shows, cancellations and interview request rejections you have.

  • Interviewer Training and Preparedness: Evaluate the effectiveness of interviewer training.

4. Offer and Onboarding

  • Offer to Acceptance Rate: Track the ratio of offers made to offers accepted.

  • Onboarding Process: Review the efficiency and effectiveness of the onboarding process.

 5. Post-Hire Metrics

  • Employee Turnover Rate: Measure turnover in new hires. Measure first 3, 6 and 12 months as this may highlight issues at different stages of their employment.

  • Employee Tenure: Track the average tenure of employees.

  • Time-to-Productivity: Assess how long it takes for new hires to become fully productive.

6. Data and Analytics

  • Current Data Utilisation: Evaluate how data is currently used in decision-making.

  • Potential AI Integration Points: Identify where AI can be integrated for better data insights.

7. AI Potential Assessment

  • Opportunity Cost Analysis: Calculate the cost of not improving recruitment metrics.

  • AI Readiness: Assess the organisation's readiness for AI integration.

  • Cost-Benefit Analysis: Compare potential costs of AI implementation with anticipated benefits.

  • AI Impact Projection: Estimate the potential impact of AI on recruitment metrics.

8. Implementation Roadmap

  • Step-by-Step Plan: Develop a plan for integrating AI into the recruitment process.

  • Training and Change Management: Plan for training staff and managing the change process.

9. Feedback and Continuous Improvement

  • Regular Review Cycles: Establish cycles for reviewing and updating the recruitment process.

  • Stakeholder Feedback: Incorporate feedback from all stakeholders in the recruitment process.

10. Legal and Ethical Compliance

  • Compliance Checks: Ensure AI implementation complies with legal and ethical standards (GDPR as an example).


AI in recruitment is a practical, cost-effective solution that offers a substantial return on investment (ROI). By automating mundane tasks, enhancing data analysis, and streamlining processes AI can drastically reduce the time and cost of recruitment processes. It improves metrics like time-to-hire, employee tenure, and fill rates, which directly translate to business success.


Want to learn more about RedNevada.AI and the AI tools we’re building for Recruiters?


Job Description and Job Specification Template